Data.Binary: performance improvments for Haskell binary parsing

I’ve just uploaded to Hackage Data.Binary which contains some good performance improvements for binary parser users.

Data.Binary is a popular serialization library for Haskell, which uses Get and Put monads to efficiently translate Haskell structures to and from lazy bytestrings (basically, byte streams) in a pure style. It is used by 85 other packages on Hackage, for everything from network packet parsing, trie container types, network traffic analysis, to web server state persistance, and high speed cryptography.

As a refresher, recall that Binary provides both a Get and Put monadic environment. The Put monad gives you a locally scoped “buffer filling” mode, where calls to ‘put’ implicitly append values to a buffer. A sequence of ‘puts’ is a pure computation that returns a bytestring at the end. Like so:

    runPut :: Put -> ByteString
        -- runPut takes a serializer code fragment,
        -- and uses it to fill a bytestring with bytes.

    Data.Binary> runPut (do put 2; put (Just 7); put "hello")

You can also stream these into the zlib binding to gain on the fly compression (via bzlib or zlib). Conversely, you can parse Haskell data from binary formats, using the ‘Get’ monad. Given a bytestring stream, parse it into some Haskell structure:

    runGet :: Get a -> ByteString -> a
       -- runGet takes a binary parser, a bytestring,
       -- and returns some 'a' parsed from the bytesting.

    Data.Binary.Get> let s = pack "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\STX\SOH
    Data.Binary.Get> runGet (do a <- get
                                b <- get
                                c <- get
                                return (a :: Integer,b :: Maybe Integer ,c :: String)) s
    (2,Just 7,"hello")

There are also default Get and Put parsers and serializers in the Binary type classes, which provides ‘encode’ and ‘decode’ methods:

    encode :: Binary a => a -> ByteString
    decode :: Binary a => ByteString -> a

Binary is used for heavy lifting binary wire protocol parsing and writing. As such it needs to be very fast. It uses aggressive inlining, careful data representations, specialization, and some interesting monadic representation transformations, to ensure GHC can optimize user-supplied parsers well. The changes, thanks to Simon Marlow, are two-fold, and improve the performance of reading into Haskell data structures by about 40%.

Firstly, the underlying Get monad representation is changed from:

    newtype Get a = Get { unGet :: S -> (a, S) }


    newtype Get a = Get { unGet :: S -> (# a, S #) }

That is, we use an explict stack/register allocated unboxed tuple to return the parsed value from the parser. This allows GHC to more aggressively optimize code containing repeated reads from the parser state. (As an aside, we also looked at a continuation-based encoding of the Get monad, but there is no performance win due to the very simple tuple return type, which GHC is already able to decompose nicely. Continuation encodings are more useful if we returned, say, an Either).

Secondly, the monadic bind for the Get monad is now strict. Moving from an explicitly lazy:

    m >>= k   = Get (\s -> let (a, s') = unGet m s in unGet (k a) s')


    m >>= k   = Get $ \s -> case unGet m s of
                             (# a, s' #) -> unGet (k a) s'

This seems to also improve the kind of code GHC generates, which coalescing of repeated reads into straight line code without tests.

Overall, there is no user-visible change to Data.Binary, as only the monadic plumbing has been modified. Your code should just get faster. Parsing streams of Word64s on my laptop goes from ~100M/s to 140M/s.

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